【Jockey Club "Art with You" Community Art
Programme for Carers】Exhibition

Since 2021, HKOP has launched the 3-year "Jockey Club 'Art with You' Community Art Programme for Carers". This programme has included over 50 printmaking workshops, allowing the carers to explore and discover their own capabilities, reaffirming their sense of self.
As a culmination of this project, the Finale Exhibition will showcase over 100 artworks created by the participating carers. Through their artistic expressions, they expressed themselves using symbolic imagery and incorporated precious memories with their care recipients. Others have simply experimented with diverse materials, momentarily setting aside their daily responsibilities.
A PrintmakingCarnival will also be held on the opening day of the exhibition. This will allow everyone to try their hand at five different printmaking techniques, printing postcards or fabric bags and enjoying the fun of printmaking.
Exhibition Info
Date|2024.8.3 (Sat) - 8.18 (Sun)
Time|1:00PM - 7:00PM
Venue|SG03-07, G/F, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central (On the left of the Courtyard)
Exhibition Opening
Date|2024.8.3 (Sat)
Time|2:30PM - 3:00PM
Venue|Courtyard, G/F, PMQ
Printmaking Carnival
Date|2024.8.3 (Sat)
Time|3:00PM - 6:00PM
Venue|Courtyard, G/F, PMQ
Programme|Printmaking Booths, Music Performance, Free Popcorn
*Sign language interpretation and audio description services will be provided. Please register in advance if needed.
❖ Sign Language Interpretation and Audio Description Services ❖
Time slots:
Session 1|3:00PM - 3:50PM
Session 2|4:00PM - 4:50PM
Session 3|5:00PM - 5:50PM
*Each time slot has 2 groups: 1 group with sign language interpretation and 1 group with audio description
Quota|3-4 people per group
Fee | Free Admission
Guided Tour & Printing Experience
A. For Groups / Schools / Organizations
Date|2024.8.5-9 & 12-16 (Mon-Fri)
Timeslot|11:00AM-12:00PM or 2:30PM-3:30PM
Quota|10-15 Participants
Admission Fee|Free of Charge
*If you wish to reserve another time slot, or require accessibility services, please feel free to contact us.
B. For General Public
Date: 2024.8.4 & 10-11 & 17-18 (Sat & Sun)
Timeslot|2:00PM-3:00PM or 3:30PM-4:30PM
Quota|15 Participants
*First-come-first-served, please make advance reservations or register on-site.
For any questions, please contact us.
Phone|2319 1660
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