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I Planned Today as Your Bad Day? Eugene Lun Yue Chi's solo exhibition

I Planned Today as Your Bad Day?  Eugene Lun Yue Chi's solo exhibition
I Planned Today as Your Bad Day?  Eugene Lun Yue Chi's solo exhibition


2022年6月04日 下午1:00 – 2022年6月26日 下午6:00

Hong Kong Open Printshop, L8-06, 8/F, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong


HKOP Awardees in Printmaking Exhibition 2021-2022

I Planned Today as Your Bad Day? — Eugene Lun Yue Chi's solo exhibition

“I’ve said that they are all being twisted around your finger.”

Accidents are always unpredictable. When an accident happens, the ones who accept their fate are usually blessed and can get away safely; the ones who pray for a silver lining are usually jinxed and end up getting disappointed.

We are all fortune's fools, and we never have a sure way to predict or change our fate, so why don't we just go with the flow and accept what it throws at us, no matter if we want them.

Eugene's artworks are inspired by daily life accidents and news. He changed part of the news occurrences to bring out the possibilities of more unexpected developments. He creates a series of brightly coloured screen prints infused with Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is used in the artworks to twist the audience's expectation of the characters in his drawings. In order to show the audience the wonder of Fate and the inabilities of the human being.

✧ About Eugene Lun Yue Chi

Eugene graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts in 2021. His illustrations and prints are inspired by the trivial things that he encountered in daily life. He wishes to escape from the dull reality with the audiences through creating humorous artworks. He believes everything in the world is destined, and we don’t have control over our fate. Going with the flow is the way to survive. After graduation, he continues to explore the use of the latest technology and its integration with printmaking, in order to provide a more comprehensive representation to the static graphics. He previously participated in exhibitions including “HK Foreword 2021” (10 Chancery Lane Gallery, 2021), “AVA Print Club” (HKBU AVA Gallery, 2021) and “BOOKED:2021” (Tai Kwun, 2021).

✧ Exhibition Activities

Artist Sharing*

2022.6.4 (SAT) 4:00pm - 4:30pm

Screen printing Demonstration*

2022.6.11 (SAT) 4:00pm - 5:00pm

*Conducted in Cantonese

Date: 2022.6.4 (Sat) - 2022.6.26 (Tue)

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

(Closed on Mondays)

Venue: L8-06 Gallery, Hong Kong Open Printshop (L8-06, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon)

Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Hong Kong Open Printshop will implement precautionary measures to mitigate the increasingly alarming situation. The maximum capacity of the gallery is 10 visitors. All visitors MUST fill in the health declaration form prior to entering the gallery. In accordance with the development of COVID-19, HKOP will update visiting arrangements or cancel activities. Please stay tuned to HKOP's Facebook page for announcements.

✧To view the animations infused screen print with augmented reality, please download the free “Artivive” app on smartphone or tablet✧


iPhone & iPad:

✧ Enquiry: 2319 1660 / Facebook inbox (hkopenprintshop)

✧ HKOP Award in Printmaking

In order to encourage new printmaking talents, HKOP Award in Printmaking was established in 2018. The aim of this award is to discover emerging local printmakers and provide residency, funding and support for creating their solo exhibitions.


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